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Sant Joan Despí. Biblioteca Mercè Rodoreda - Biblioteca Virtual[^5^]


  • 1. WORKSHOPS\r\n\r\n\r\n\tDigital Marketing Plan Workshop: it is shaped as a very practical and dynamic workshop, where the student will work on developing a complete digital marketing plan through a process guided by a marketing professional, which will serve them for their subsequent final project of the master's degree.\r\n\tSocial Networks Workshop: consists of a very practical presentation by a marketing professional who knows all the major platforms or social networks very well, focusing on the latest phenomena such as Twich, Tiktok... or high-impact campaigns, in which he will give us the most relevant keys to know them well and be able to work with them. In addition, this activity reviews the main keys to understand everything related to new trends in networks and virtual reality, such as the Metaverse. \r\n\tWEB Creation Workshop: each student will create a website from scratch in wordpress. It will be done individually and each student will create his\/her own.\r\n\tE-commerce Creation Workshop: we will create an e-commerce or online store in wordpress. We will do it individually and each student will do it by him\/herself.\r\n\tWOBM Workshop: the keys of this tool will be given as a digital methodology to create and develop a digital business guided through practical steps or phases.\r\n\r\n\r\n2. REAL GROUP CASES\r\n\r\nIn the master's degree in Digital Marketing there are 4 transversal cases of subjects that are developed on real briefings of companies and whose objectives are as follows:\r\n\r\n\r\n\tTo help internalize and practice the knowledge acquired in each of the subjects, and to integrate them all, giving an answer to a specific challenge on the case and working from a global and complete perspective as digital marketing professionals.\r\n\tTo apply the learning acquired to a real case of a recognized and prestigious company, enhancing the skills of autonomous learning, analysis and research and presentation of results. We work with companies such as: VOLVO, REPSOL, PEPSICO, DANONE, YET FASHION TECHNOLOGIES, SEALFY, SAMSUNG, RAZER, PIKOLINOS, PUBLICIS GROUP, IBERDROLA, UNILEVER, AFFINITY, VENDFY, NESSPRESO, PHILIPS AVENT, PARQUES REUNIDOS...\r\n\tTo develop the practice of a real professional proposal in which the students are evaluated on their ability to respond to the challenge posed in that case. The students will present a proposal of their work that will be received by the representative of the company, who will give feedback in real time on what the proposal requires.\r\n\r\n\r\nIn short, in addition to working with real company case studies in which they apply and enhance their learning during the master's degree, students have an excellent opportunity to demonstrate and visualize their talent and abilities before the companies and top-level marketing professionals, which improves and increases their future employability.\r\n").split("\n").join(""); window.is_eng = 1 Description

  • Objectives Methodology Academic structure Why in ESIC? Outgoing profile Description Objectives Methodology Academic structure Why in ESIC? Outgoing profile Master in Digital Marketing [MDM] no encontro 12 months Part Time

Part Time Part Time Available locations

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